Lecture 4: Bonus - Hell (Part 1)
Hell: Summary and Links
Talking about our internal maps…
Real fear
Childhood indoctrination
Fiery sermons
Not real place
- No god
- = no Heaven
- = no Hell
Irrational Fear like PTSD
How to overcome?
- Many variations
- Christian
- Islamic
- Tibetan
- Not in OT
- ~ Jewish Bible search
- Sh’ol = realm of the dead (NIV)
- Sh’ol = Hell (KJV)
- Heaven: God in, fowls of, but no afterlife in
- Sketchy in NT: Fire & punishment
- Mainly made up
- ~ Sinai Codex
- Oldest Bible
- Written between 325-360 CE
- Many differences
- No resurrection of Jesus
Educate Yourself:
- ~ Skeptical Science article
- ~ Alley Video
Confront the fear:
- Relax
- Breathe
Exercise: Breathe and relax while reading the Skeptical Science article and watching the Alley Video. Then go on to Part 2.