Atheist Orientation
New Atheist? Recently realized that there is no god? Here's where to go next...
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Childhood religious indoctrination traps many into a lifetime of false beliefs. However, for the intelligent, thinking, questioning person, the contradictions in religion sooner or later reach breaking point. What then?
You now see that much of what your religion taught is improbable, inaccurate, or plain wrong. You have concluded that there probably is no god. You may start thinking of yourself as an agnostic, or an atheist.
Yet those around you –friends, parents, or worst of all, your spouse– are still immersed in the religious bubble, which repels all questioning. How can you handle this in a way that is true to yourself, yet not lose those you love?
Was the torment of Hell drummed into you while you were too young to dismiss it? Do you consciously know it is nonsense, yet have to fight the irrational fears from childhood conditioning? Help is available here...
Religion manipulates you through guilt. The most powerful lever it uses is sex. Were you taught that sex is dirty and shameful? Leaving religion behind, can you also release the unearned guilt? One of our topics deals with enjoying beautiful and loving human sexuality.
You grew up in a specific religion. You spent years absorbing the mythology. You learned the stories, the songs, the community behavior. Now they don't apply. You are adrift on an unknown sea.
Non-belief in gods –Atheism– has its own principles, its history, its literature, its memes, its heroes, its community. In time you will get to know them. You will find your feet again. It could take years.
What if, like churches and other businesses, Atheism had a primer, a quick-start, an introduction, an "onboarding" procedure? It doesn't –or didn't! Until now...
You have your reasons for rejecting religion. Will they stand up to attack? Can you refute the devious "logic" and threats of "true believers"? Here you will learn clear logic, good arguments, and tried techniques.
Take this course and become a confident, informed Atheist in weeks instead of years!
The course consists of ten sections. They are intended to be studied at a rate of one per week, making this a ten-week course. Subsequent sections build on those that have come before. For best results, we suggest that you allocate a study day (or a few nights) per week, and work through one section per week in the order provided. You will have lifetime access, and 30 days for a refund if it does not meet your expectations.
Not sure yet if you want to sign up for the course? Please sign up for the mailing list here and get free samples by signing up for the separate Atheist Introduction (link).
Acknowledgement: Cartoons by Bill Mutranowski used with the kind permission of the artist.
Your Instructor
As a questioning seeker, I have over the course of many years explored Christianity, Judaism, various forms of meditation (including Transcendental Meditation and the Sidhis), Rebirthing, Hatha Yoga, Hindu and Eastern thought, spirituality, New Age philosophy, science, skepticism and atheism.
I have read extensively on religion and atheism and continue to refine my ideas in the light of reality. My criticism of religion in the newspapers led to my coming out publicly as an Atheist in 2011. I contribute regularly to newspapers and the internet, and am active in local secular groups. From June 2014 to December 2015 I helped produce the weekly newsletter for the Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason and Science. Since February 2015 I have worked as a volunteer on the Recovering From Religion Hotline and Chatline (averaging over sixteen hours a month), where I assist people who doubt or are leaving religion, and mentor new volunteers. This keeps me in touch with international developments; I live in Johannesburg, in sunny South Africa.
I am not a "guru". I have walked some of the path you are now on, before you: I can point out the pitfalls and the sights along the way, and recommend which directions may be valuable. Allow me to enrich your life with the beauty and the majesty that can come with freedom from superstition!